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Get wet on Songkran – Get lucky on your holiday to Thailand - Thailand Luxury Travel
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Thailand Luxury Travel / Blog  / Get wet on Songkran – Get lucky on your holiday to Thailand
9 Aug

Get wet on Songkran – Get lucky on your holiday to Thailand

Songkran, known as Thailand New year Festival, starts from 13th April to 15th April. On these days, local people celebrate Songkran by splashing water on each other. They believe getting wet will bring more luck, health and wealth in the next year. If you travel to Thailand during this time, you will have chance to experience this unique traditional holiday and learn more about Thailand culture. In order to have a safe, interesting holiday to Thailand during Songkran, here are some tips for you.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do

holiday to thailandSongkran is the special holiday. Many people go out  and splash water to anyone. You can join with them but it is essential to play by rules. be sure that you use clean and cool water in your fight. You can use water pistol, water buskets, cups or gardens hoses but high pressure hoses and guns are not allowed due to the safety reasons. Besides, there are many people playing game on the streets, pay attention and avoid shooting on people’s eyes.

Protect your posses

There is a lot of water everywhere during Songkran. You don’t want your smartphone and camera to be ruined. Therefore, prepare some waterproof pouches, ziplocs or waterproof bags to protect any of your valuable items. You can take some fantastic pictures through the clear plastic.

Avoid wet powder

holiday to thailandThe applying of powder is done for extending “blessing” to you. However, in some cases, it causes aces and pores in your face. To avoid this, you can bring some bottle of clean water and use it to wash off the powder. And if you don’t like it at all, you can go somewhere like Khao San Road where the wet powder is prohibited  to experience  a”safer” Songkran in your holiday to Thailand.

Luxury Travel Vietnam,LTD

With more than 12 years of experiences in luxury travel industry, we plan and conduct any Vietnam holiday packages including Hanoi, Halong Bay and other beautiful places in Vietnam. We are award winning DMC, specialized in Indochina luxury holidays and cover any trip within Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. Contact us when traveling to Vietnam if you need any assistance.
